Mad God
Mad God
1h 24m 9sHorror, Sci-fi


Phil Tippett



Age rating

A masked assassin moves through a seemingly endless dark landscape, witnessing the most depraved behaviors ever conceived by humanity during this nightmarish journey that is the assassin's mission. Will he succeed in destroying this mechanical inferno? Nightmarish and utterly immersive are a few ways to describe Mad God. Behind this phantasmagorical vision is the legendary effects artist and stop-motion animator Phil Tippett. He is known and beloved worldwide for his contributions to classics such as Star Wars, Robocop, and Jurassic Park, just to name a few heavyweight entries on his magnificent CV. Mad God is a project that has been brewing in his mind since the '90s. Tippett unleashes his creativity in a display of animation that is as impressive as it is depraved. The ecstatic praise has poured in, and numerous critics have hailed Mad God as a masterpiece. A dark vision crafted with a master's sure hand.
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